Five Realizations That Made Me Quit Watching Porn

Jeremy Lipkowitz
4 min readOct 14, 2024


Photo by Andrew Neel on Unsplash

Porn addiction is a deeply personal struggle that many face but few talk about. In my own journey, there were several key realizations that helped me finally decide to quit porn for good. These realizations became the driving force behind my recovery, providing the clarity and motivation I needed to change my habits. Here are five of the most powerful insights that led me to stop watching porn and transform my life.

1. No Amount of Porn Will Provide Lasting Satisfaction

Porn is undeniably exciting. It triggers instant gratification through dopamine hits, making you feel momentarily powerful, alive, and in control. However, I realized that despite its allure, porn could never give me what I truly craved — lasting happiness and inner fulfillment.

Pleasure, on its own, is fleeting. While porn provides a temporary escape from life’s problems, it doesn’t address the deeper issues we face. True satisfaction comes from living a life of meaning, purpose, and connection with others. Porn, however, only offers momentary pleasure without any long-term benefits. Over time, I realized that chasing short-term highs through porn left me feeling emptier and more disconnected from the things that truly mattered.

2. Watching Porn Hardwired Lust and Craving Into My Mind

One of the most profound realizations I had was that every time I watched porn, I was strengthening the neural pathways associated with lust and craving. The concept of neuroplasticity — the idea that the brain changes and adapts based on repeated behaviors — became crystal clear to me. I was literally wiring my brain to become more and more addicted to sexual imagery and lustful thoughts.

Every time I indulged in porn, I was feeding the fire of craving, deepening my sense of desire and desperation. This constant craving was not just a side effect of watching porn — it became a form of suffering in itself. I wanted to feel more peaceful, content, and compassionate, but my mind was continually occupied with lust. Realizing that I was creating my own mental prison pushed me to make a change.

3. Porn Distorted My View of Sex and Intimacy

Porn doesn’t provide an accurate representation of real sex, intimacy, or relationships. For many men, myself included, porn becomes their primary form of “sex education” from a young age. Unfortunately, this creates highly unrealistic expectations about both sexual experiences and women’s bodies.

Porn paints a picture of sex that is often violent, degrading, and entirely disconnected from genuine emotional intimacy. It also presents an idealized version of women’s bodies — flawless, airbrushed, and surgically enhanced. This distorted view made it difficult for me to appreciate real, human relationships and bodies. I found myself becoming increasingly perfectionistic with my partners, sabotaging my own happiness in the process. Recognizing how porn had warped my perspective was a huge wake-up call.

4. Porn Was Depleting My Energy and Focus

Beyond the mental and emotional consequences, porn also took a toll on my energy levels and focus. It’s easy to underestimate how much time and energy porn consumes, but when I looked back, I realized how much of my life it had drained.

Porn became my go-to method for procrastination, especially during college. Hours that could have been spent studying, exercising, or building meaningful relationships were instead wasted on endless hunts for the perfect video. And even when I wasn’t actively watching porn, I found myself feeling emotionally depleted, irritable, and less motivated to engage with the real world. Realizing how much potential I had squandered pushed me to rethink my priorities and reclaim my energy.

5. Porn Encouraged a Focus on Novelty Over Depth in Relationships

One of the more insidious effects of modern porn is the way it fosters an addiction to novelty. With thousands of videos available at the click of a button, I found myself constantly searching for the next exciting clip, never satisfied with what I had already seen. This chase for something new every night made me crave variety, rather than the depth and intimacy that come with real relationships.

In real life, relationships require vulnerability, communication, and patience — qualities that porn doesn’t teach or reward. Instead, it primes the brain to seek constant stimulation, leaving less room for the richness of real human connection. Over time, I began to see that my addiction to novelty in porn was undermining my ability to build lasting, meaningful relationships.

These five realizations marked the turning point in my decision to quit porn. While quitting wasn’t easy, understanding the true impact that porn was having on my life gave me the strength and motivation to move forward. If you’re struggling with similar habits, take heart in knowing that change is possible, and it starts with understanding the deeper truths behind your behavior.

If you’re interested in getting support to heal from compulsive behaviors and bad habits, visit Unhooked Academy and sign up for a free discovery call to see if our program is a good fit for you.



Jeremy Lipkowitz

Executive Coach (ACC/CPCC) | Leadership Development Facilitator | Digital Habits Expert | Feat. in Men's Health