How to Become Unstoppable: 6 Keys to Getting More Out of Life

Jeremy Lipkowitz
3 min readAug 19, 2024


In the journey of self-improvement and overcoming obstacles, certain mindsets and actions can make a significant difference. These principles are not just about addiction recovery but about becoming your best self in all areas of life. Whether it’s achieving your entrepreneurial dreams, relationship goals, or fitness aspirations, adopting these mindsets can help you thrive and become unstoppable.

Listen to the audio version of this on my podcast, Unhooked:

1. Take Responsibility for Everything

The first step to becoming unstoppable is taking responsibility for everything in your life. This doesn’t mean that everything is your fault, but it does mean that everything is your responsibility. Accepting responsibility empowers you to change your circumstances. Instead of playing the victim or making excuses, embrace ownership of your successes, failures, and daily habits. Especially in overcoming challenges like porn addiction, recognizing that you alone can drive your recovery is crucial.

Channel Your Lust and Cravings

Sexual energy is powerful, and instead of letting it lead to negative habits, you can transmute it into more constructive pursuits. This concept involves redirecting your energy into hobbies, relationships, creative endeavors, and work. For instance, instead of succumbing to the urge to watch porn or masturbate, channel that energy into creating music, exercising, or engaging with others. Understanding that your sexual energy is not inherently bad but often misdirected is key. By harnessing it productively, you can use it to propel you forward.

Stop Simply Chasing Pleasure

While pleasure is an essential part of life, it shouldn’t be the sole focus. Chasing after sex, money, status, validation, or tasty food without balance can lead to emptiness. Studies have shown that more pleasure doesn’t necessarily equate to more happiness. True fulfillment comes from meaningful relationships, engaging work, living with purpose, and practicing gratitude. By focusing on these aspects, pleasure becomes a complement to your happiness rather than the central pursuit.

Find Your Purpose

Having a purpose gives direction to your life. Without it, you might feel like a boat adrift, aimlessly floating wherever the wind takes you. Purpose is not about finding a singular passion but about understanding the values and principles that give your life meaning. This can evolve over time and may include ethical beliefs, a way of contributing to the world, or a message you wish to spread. Connecting to something greater than yourself can bring profound motivation and fulfillment.

Take Care of Your Body

Your body and mind are interconnected, and taking care of your physical health directly impacts your mental and emotional well-being. Regular exercise, sufficient sleep, and proper nutrition are foundational. Exercise doesn’t have to be extreme; simple activities like walking, biking, or taking the stairs can make a big difference. Prioritize good sleep hygiene by avoiding screens late at night and managing caffeine intake. Opt for real, whole foods over processed options to nourish your body. These habits are essential for maintaining the energy and strength needed to pursue your goals.

Embrace Discomfort

Growth often involves stepping out of your comfort zone. Many beneficial habits, such as meditation, journaling, or having difficult conversations, can be uncomfortable initially. Learning to embrace discomfort is crucial for progress. Whether it’s saying no to an extra cookie or engaging in a tough discussion, facing discomfort head-on allows you to break free from conditioned habits. By embracing discomfort, you build resilience and develop a stable, grounded mindset that can navigate life’s challenges without being swayed.

In summary, these six principles can help you become unstoppable:

  1. Take responsibility for everything.
  2. Channel your lust into creative energies.
  3. Stop simply chasing pleasure.
  4. Find your purpose.
  5. Take care of your body.
  6. Embrace discomfort.

By incorporating these mindsets into your daily life, you can overcome obstacles, achieve your goals, and live a fulfilling, unstoppable life. If you need support in implementing these changes, consider seeking coaching or joining a community that can provide guidance and accountability. Embrace the journey of self-improvement and step into your full potential.

If you’re looking for support, reach out and apply for a free discovery call to learn more about my coaching program.



Jeremy Lipkowitz

Executive Coach (ACC/CPCC) | Leadership Development Facilitator | Digital Habits Expert | Feat. in Men's Health